Serving since 1966

[Thurston family picture]
Family portrait 1995
Since 1966, Jim Thurston has been assisting the national churches in Chile. Following the directive of Ephesians 4:12 "...to prepare God's people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up...", the thrust is two-fold. First, to provide training for "reliable men...qualified to teach others." (II Timothy 2:2) Second, to furnish tools for those "reliable men" so they likewise may train others.

In 1977, Jim and Lina Thurston, recognized the problem and the need for Bible training in Chile. From that year, they have been doing a Christian video educational ministry.

The videotaping of classes first began in black and white.

[Picture of old control room][Picture of old studio]
Our old black and white video facilities.

Later in 1987, God provided the funds for studio and equipment renovation.

[Picture of ceiling being put on]
Construction volunteers gluing the sound proof tiles.

[Picture of studio sets][Picture of Art Roshon]
Studio sets for television programs.

The upgrade included color, broadcast quality, television equipment which now allow the production of quality video educational Bible teaching and TV programs. To help in the production, a closed-circuit Christian TV studio was rebuilt and enlarged in Santiago in 1988. The video Bible teaching, documentaries and TV programs are done mainly in Spanish using the best educated national Christian leaders. The videos are used by churches, schools and Christians in general.

Over 350 video Bible classes

Today, over 350 classes have been put on video tape and thousands of Christians have benefited from the teaching. Copies are being sent to cities throughout Chile and to countries such as Argentina, Bolivia, Paraguay and Peru. Soon we will expand to others.
[Picture of video class in northern Chile][Picture of Video Bible class in southern Chile]
Chilean Christians studying God's Word by video in their local church.

Since 1992, Studio JTV has had numerous Christian programs taped for television in its facilities...Puertas Abiertas, A Solas con Dios and Rainbow Club (the first non-violent children's cable channel in Chile.)

Our Goals

1. Assist the local church to fulfill it's ministry.

2. Train nationals so they can train others.

3. Set up a video Bible school using national Bible teachers in every open church.

4. Make audio visual materials for religion classes in Chilean public schools.

5. Make Christian programs for television.

[image of the world]

Our Mission



1. To provide a video Bible school where there is no Bible school.

2. Training where there's a lack of training.

3. Christian education for those who want to study God's Word.

4. Help young people and adults to better understand the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Who we are

Studio JTV is an interdenominational mission located in Santiago, Chile and is part of Son of Man's Mission.

Son of Man's Mission
Post Office Box 747
Bremerton, WA 98337

Son of Man's Mission is incorporated by the State of Washington and recognized by the U.S. Government as a charitable non-profit organization.

[En Castellano][In English]

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© 2001 STUDIO JTV.